Below, Evan Rachel Wood in a photoshoot session for GQ magazine May issue, as a pin-up:

EVAN RACHEL WOOD IS THAT RARE AND RUINOUS combination of innocent girl next door and kinky neighbor down the street.

More recently, she was linked with her Wrestler co-star, the 56-year-old Mickey Rourke. “There was no truth to it, and it was so annoying,” says Wood, now 21, who is back with Manson after “taking some time” away from the relationship. Of Rourke, she says: “The friendship was intimate and nice, and this makes it weird.”
Yes, Wood is precocious (she mangled our hearts in Thirteen) but perhaps preternaturally wacko, too. Still, that danger—that unnerving energy, that aggressive sexuality—is what draws us to her. In conversation, she’s as likely to tell you about her next project (she might play Mary Jane in an upcoming Broadway production of Spider-Man) as she is to offer intimate details about neutering her pet cat.
Source: men.style.com/gq
Pin-up girls, 50's drawings: