For those of you who’ve been begging for details…
Spotted: Taylor Lautner learning to motorbike. He and Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson arrived a few days earlier than the rest of the cast for wardrobe testing and training. Taylor was then seen with his dad shopping for groceries. Awww…
Spotted: Robert Pattinson approached by a group of giddy squealing fan girls on Robson enjoying a night on the town. They noticed he was with Taylor and squealed some more. Both obliged the gaggle with several photos. Appeared to be accompanied by a bodyguard.
Spotted: a twi-hard super loser being interrogated by police at a downtown hotel. She had a backpack full of Twilight merchandise, had been hanging out all day, weird and shifty, so much so that hotel staff called the cops on her ass believing her to be a security threat…
Spotted: Robert Pattinson alone at a local watering hole for three hours studying his script.
Spotted: Robert Pattinson walking alone along Davie Street. Dressed in black, pale and beautiful and brooding and thin.
Spotted: Kristen Stewart goes to pick up bestie Nikki Reed at the airport on Sunday. Nikki emerged with a guitar slung across her back. To note – Robert Pattinson did not have his guitar with him when he came in on Wednesday. Some desperate fan keeps emailing me asking about his guitar. Apparently this may or may not mean something…? F-ck, I don’t know.
Spotted: Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed go for sushi. Joined by Taylor Lautner. Then a liquor store. Kristen and Taylor wait outside while Nikki stocks up.