Nikki Finke of
DeadlineHollywoodDaily, the person who brought us the inside scoop about the green light for the Twilight sequel "New Moon", Catherine Hardwicke being replaced and all the other news about Twilight that hasn't hit the radars of other celebrity news website is now bringing us another update on who will direct the third installment "Eclipse." According to Nikki Finke, Summit Entertainment has finally chosen a new director for "Eclipse" and its no other than "The Orphanage" director Juan Antonio Bayona.
"I can confirm that Summit Entertainment is telling Hollywood privately that Juan Antonio Bayona will direct Eclipse. It's a vdry out-of-the-box choice for the 3rd movie in the "Twilight Saga" series of Stephenie Meyer vampire novels being hurried to the big screen by the start-up studio. (I guess it doesn't matter that other sources tell me Bayona hasn't yet met Stephenie, huh?) Known as a horror wunderkjind and Guillermo Del Toro protege, the age 33 Bayona screened his Spanish language Gothic mystery El Orfanato (The Orphanage) to a 10-minute standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival. Eclipse is his English language debut. Chris Weitz has already replaced Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke on the sequel New Moon due in November. Eclipse is set for release June 30, 2010, and features battles between werewolves and vampires. Now the question is whether the Twilight fans and Stephenie Meyer will say "Olé"."