Who are some of the Celebrities who use Scientology and Dianetics to help them live happy and successful lives?
Twilight News Resource New Look
Kristen Stewart will be at the Sundance Film Festival

Tue. Jan 20 9:15 a.m. - ADVNL20CM Eccles Theatre, Park City
Wed. Jan 21 noon - ADVNL21SD Screening Room, Sundance Resort
Thu. Jan 22 6:30 p.m. - ADVNL22GE Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center, SLC
Ashley Greene at the Golden Globes
Vanessa Hudgens has NOT auditioned for 'New Moon'

Vanessa's rep tells JustJared, “I don’t know anything about the audition, as far as I know, it’s just a rumor.”
SpoilerTV even posted a list of Casting Calls for New Moon and the character of Leah is not being cast for. As we all know, Leah's role is really minor in New Moon. It doesn't get big until the last chapters of Eclipse.
Source: JustJaredJr.com
Twilight Starlet Hating on Pattinson's Buzz Cut

Photo Credit: WENN
Source: EOnline.com
Taylor and Vanessa doing charity work

Lollipop Theater Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the magic of movies currently in theaters to children confined to hospitals nationwide due to chronic or life-threatening illnesses.
Source: TheExaminer.com
Rob Pattinson: I Miss my Dog Patty

He's currently living in L.A. right because of his job, but according to the British hunk, "I haven’t moved [to L.A.] for good," says Pattinson. "I live in a rented apartment where all of the furniture is rented." Click here to read more.
Source: TheImproper.com
'Twilight' Taylor Lautner, Vanessa Hudgens' hot swag date!
Click here to view more photos.
Photo Credit: WireImageSource: LATimes.com
Taylor shows off his "New Moon" Body
Source: AccessHollywood.com
2009 is the year of the werewolf

"If 2008 marked a comeback for the vampire, the next 12 months belong to the werewolf." Read more.
Source: EW.com
Details on Twilight DVD
StephenieMeyer.com has new updates about the contents of the Twilight DVD. The Twilight DVD is set to be released on Saturday, March 21st. You can now pre-order your Twilight DVD at Amazon.com. Click here to pre-order the Twilight (Two-Disc Special Edition).
- Five extended scenes with director introductions
- Audio commentary (Catherine Hardwicke, Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart)
- Three music videos (Muse, Paramore, Linkin Park)
- Five deleted scenes with director introductions
- Seven-part documentary: "The Adventure Begins: The Journey from Page to Screen"
- Comic-Con Phenomenon featurette
- And more!
Source: StephenieMeyer.com
Twilight DVD is already the #1 Bestselling DVD in Amazon.com

Source: Amazon.com
Taylor Lautner premieres his 'New Moon' Body

Photo Credit: WireImage.com
Source: AccessHollywood.com
Twilight is a Name Maker
The 50 Films that defined 2008
The first adaptation of the cult novels boasts great performances and a stunning aesthetic. Scream!
Defining Moment
When Edward bites into Bella's flesh to extract nasty vampire poison, will he be able to resist feasting on her blood?
Taylor Lautner shapes up for New Moon
Kristen Stewart is well dressed
Taylor Lautner To Steal Rob Pattinson's Thunder In 'New Moon'

Jackson Rathbone Thinks 'New Moon' Will Be 'Pretty Fantastic'

Ashley Greene's Pizza Party

She was spotted at a local pizzeria in Los Angeles on Thursday evening.
Click here to view more photos.
Source: JustJaredJr.com
Photos: VAH/Fame Pictures, WENN
Ashley Greene is Dazzling in Diamonds
She was asked about her reaction when she found out that Taylor Lautner will be playing Jacob in New Moon and the rumors that Vanessa Hudgens auditoned for the role of Leah Clearwater.
Click here to watch the video.
Click here to view the pictures.
Source: Extratv.com
Chris Weitz and his search for the Volturi

Shooting is set to begin in March in Vancouver and they will also film in Italy!
Source: E! Online
Anticipating the New Moon

11/20 - Sherlock Holmes
Robert Downey Jr. brings the legendary London sleuth to life, with Jude Law as the faithful Dr. Watson and directed by Guy Ritchie.
11/20 - New Moon
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart return as Edward and Bella for the second chapter in the "Twilight" series.
11/28 - The Lovely Bones
The adaptation of Alice Sebold's bestselling novel about a the murder of a young girl, directed by Peter Jackson.
Click here to see the list.
Source: Yahoo! Movies
An Edward Cullen To Call Your Own

The Hot Topic Twilight Tour Video
Click here to watch it from their website.
Source: HotTopic.com
Fans prefer Rob's shorter 'Do'
Source: UsMagazine.com
Two more books about Rob Pattinson
Introducing Hollywood's Newest Bad Boy
You swooned over him on-screen in Twilight; now learn about the man behind the vampire. His British roots, his musical talents, the audition that changed his life -- there's more to Robert Pattinson than his trademark hair! Flip through to find out what makes him tick, what turns him on, and how he deals with his instant fame.
The Robert Pattinson Album
"Twilight" novel is the Most Downloaded audiobook and eBook of 2008

New Moon and Eclipse came in 3rd and 4th respectively as the Most Downloaded Audiobooks of 2008 and Eclipse came second and New Moon came in 3rd as the Most Downloaded eBooks of 2008. Although Breaking Dawn didn't make the cut, this is still good news for the Twilight fans everywhere. Click here to read more.
Most Downloaded Library Audiobooks (2008)*
1. "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer
2. "The Appeal" by John Grisham
3. "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer
4. "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer
5. "7th Heaven" by James Patterson
6. "1st to Die" by James Patterson
7. "The Audacity of Hope" by Barack Obama
8. "24 Hours" by Greg Iles
9. "Blood Brothers" by Nora Roberts
10. "The Golden Compass" by Philip Pullman
Most Downloaded Library eBooks (2008)*
1. "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer
2. "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer
3. "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer
4. "Devil in Winter" by Lisa Kleypas
5. "Because You're Mine" by Lisa Kleypas
Source: MSNBC.com
Robert Pattinson takes April's GQ cover to talk about Little Ashes!

Today, while speaking with Regent Releasing's Theatrical Marketing Manager, Bryan Westbrook, about the 2009 promotion schedule for Little Ashes, he asked if we would like to break the news about a certain Little Ashes star taking the cover of a major magazine.
Of course we would!
The April edition of the magazine, GQ , will be featuring Robert Pattinson on its cover, to promote the March 27, 2009 release of Little Ashes. Fantastic news for Robert as well as everyone who had a part in the making of this film. Be looking for the issue mid-March to read more about Rob and Little Ashes!
Source: themovie-fanatic.com
Photo Credit: Regent Releasing
Twilight is the Top Digital Album in the US Billboard charts

Source: Billboard.com
Vanessa Hudgens and Brenda Song: Top two contenders for the Role of Leah Clearwater in New Moon

Well according to MTV's poll, the fans like Vanessa Hudgens more than Brenda Song. But wait, this doesn't mean they actually like her to play the part. 69% voted that they don't like neither of them.
"There have been rumors galore when it comes to the casting of the heavily anticipated “New Moon” – the next installment of Stephenie Meyer’s bestselling “Twilight” saga. We all know about the drama revolving around the casting of hunky werewolf Jacob Black. Will Taylor Lautner bulk up enough to keep the role of the lovable “shape-shifter” or will the bigger and older Michael Copon take the cake? Oh the intrigue!
While Twilighters are still debating about which actor they want to play New Moon’s Jacob, there’s new casting drama that has thrown the passionate fans of the mega blockbuster into a tizzy. For the past month, rumors have been circulating that two Disney Channel stars are in contention for the role of Leah Clearwater. Leah is Jacob’s fiesty and heartbroken frienemy, who…umm… also happens to be a werewolf!" Click here to read more.
Source: MTV Movie Blogs
Rob Pattinson trying to speak French for Teemix Interview
Twilight DVD to be tentatively released on March 21st

"Summit Entertainment has announced the vampire drama Twilight is tentatively slated to hit DVD on March 21st. That's a four month turnaround for the successful adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's novel which opened November 21st. No specs have been announced, but you can probably bet on a few making-of featurettes and, according to the director, a slew of deleted scenes."
Source: ShockTillYouDrop.com
Rob bought Kristen a guitar for her 18th birthday

Tayloy Lautner will play Jacob Black in New Moon

I'd just like to add that I was very much a part of this decision. My first priority was always what was best for New Moon—what was going to give us the best possible movie. I'm truly thrilled that Taylor was the one who proved to the director, to Summit, and to me that he is the best possible Jacob we could have. And I'm very much looking forward to seeing what he's going to bring to Jacob's character this year.
- Steph
Source: Summit Entertainment
Robert Pattinson: 'I'm Not Dating Anyone'

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson has been keeping a low profile since he jetted to London Dec. 22 to celebrate the Christmas holidays with his family.
Pattinson, 22, has not been spotted out (at least by paparazzi) in either London or Los Angeles since then, but the media fascination with him has only intensified since Twilight's Nov. 21 U.S. debut.
Fortunately, Rob has learned a thing or two about not letting the white-hot media glare get to him. In 2005, Pattinson starred as Cedric Diggory in the blockbuster fantasy Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Read more.
Source: TheImproper.com
Vote for Kristen on People.com

People.com has a poll going on rifht now on who should get their own People.com page.
Click here to vote for Kristen.
Source: People.com
'Twilight' heartthrob Robert Pattinson Drops Out Of 'Parts Per Billion'

In the massive wake surrounding the record-breaking box office of "Twilight," Robert Pattinson mania has swept through Hollywood and made the charismatic Brit one of its most in-demand young actors. His busy schedule has put him on magazine covers and had him touring all over the world and making public appearances to rioting crowds.
Now, however, Twilighters have one less place where they'll be able to find their beloved RPattz: on the set of his next movie.
MTV News has exclusively confirmed that Pattinson is dropping out of "Parts per Billion," the eagerly anticipated indie film he was scheduled to begin shooting in Los Angeles this month. Although co-star/producer Rosario Dawson had expressed enthusiasm about working with the "Twilight" heartthrob as recently as December 16, a representative for Pattinson confirmed that he is no longer involved. Read more.
Source: MTV.com
Photo Credit: Kevin Winter/ Getty Images
'Twilight': Taylor Lautner may get to keep Jacob role

According to sources around Hollywood, things may start looking very hairy for Taylor Lautner. The actor — not to mention legions of Twilight fans — has been desperate to learn whether Summit Entertainment will cast him once more as Jacob Black in the Twilight sequel New Moon.
This week, Summit is expected to announce its decision for the next film based on Stephenie Meyer's wildly successful series of vampire romance novels. Kristen Stewart, 18, is set to return as Bella Swan, the beautiful human who falls for a softhearted bloodsucker. And Robert Pattinson, 22, has a lock on his job too; his turn as Edward Cullen, the hunky, soulful vampire, has made him an overnight superstar with young female moviegoers around the planet. But Lautner, 16, has a more uncertain future. That's because the character he was so perfectly cast to play in the first Twilight film — a slim, baby-faced teenager — will be greatly expanded in the sequel. And by greatly expanded, we mean into a hulking, snarling, seven-foot Lycan. ''Jacob is a totally different character in New Moon,'' says Melissa Rosenberg, screenwriter of both Twilight films. ''He's a foot taller and huge — and he's supposed to look 25. It's really a question of whether or not the same actor can play the role.'' Rosenberg is quick to add, however, that ''everyone would love to keep him. We all think he's the loveliest person ever.'' Read More
Source: EW.com
Photo Credit: Chris Polk/FilmMagic
Rob Pattinson's musical dream

Rob told the Los Angeles Times, "Music is my back-up plan if acting fails. I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket."
Two of Rob's songs have been included in the Twilight soundtrack. But Rob insists that he is not trying to use Twilight as a cash cow by making music out of it. He adds, "That's what I was scared about, it looks like I'm trying to get a music career out of it or something. I'm not going to be doing any music videos or anything."
Source: ContactMusic.com