Kristen Stewart spills on DVD features and New Moon

Starpulse sat down with Kristen Stewart for an interview where she dished on the Twilight DVD features and "New Moon" director Chris Weitz.

"I love outtakes," Stewart said. "I love when the fantasy is broken down and revealed to everyone. I think it's funny. Literally, there wasn't a day that went by that we didn't have camera crews on set so I'm sure that they have hours of footage to cut together for the eager audience."

The sequel, New Moon begins shooting later this month, with Chris Weitz taking over directing. "Chris is like the most genuinely vested. He didn't just like jump on the bandwagon like, 'Ooh, let's get the next big successful movie. I want to do Twilight too.' He really likes it and is entirely involved. He's a really sweet guy and we're all really excited to work with him. I really like his work as well so it all just works out." Click here to read more.
Source: Starpulse